
How it feels to be back after a long time - Blogging to vent out feelings!

 Sometimes I wonder, where it all went wrong! I had a bunch of friends around me, multiple groups with whom I was comfortable with, sharing laughs, working out, talking over stupid things, and sometimes pretty intense & mature stuff. Life was good. Life's supposed to be good. Though I had found my solace with blogging in the last 2 years of my graduation, I got cut off from most of the people who were once my closest friends. All because of a misunderstanding, but I was hurt. I felt broken, with the way they treated me after knowing me for years, after believing in someone else over me. Yes, after a long break from Blogging, I have started writing this post today, and yet opened with a sad stance. Writing about smartphones & technology was one thing I was passionate about, during my last 2 years of under-graduation. The world of blogging, was unknown and relatively new for me.  But once I got into it, I liked writing, expressing my feelings about tech or smartphones in fron
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